Movie Set Monday- Big Little Lies Part One

If you’ve never heard of Big Little Lies, get  yourself to a library or to Amazon RIGHT NOW and get the book. Read it in the day and a half it’ll take you because you will absolutely not want to put it down, have yourself a day to process what just happened, then binge watch the series on HBO. You’re welcome.

The book takes place in Australia, but the series takes place in Monterey, California. I’m convinced there wasn’t a more beautiful backdrop for the show. You’ll see what I mean when you see the views from the characters’ homes. Today we’re taking a peek into Madeline Mackenzie’s home. Reese Witherspoon plays this character, and if you’ve seen the show you know that this kitchen is spectacular. Continue reading “Movie Set Monday- Big Little Lies Part One”

DIY Abstract Painting

Remember that time I painted that canvas navy blue

Well, I just kept thinking it was too much blue in one corner. So, I painted it again…

Except I had two square canvases and decided to paint them as opposites. (This turned out to be an all out disaster, and I ended up with two paintings that looked like a 2 year old did it. Instead, I did two similar paintings.) Continue reading “DIY Abstract Painting”

Movie Set Monday- Home Alone

When you start scrolling through these pictures you’re going to say, “Elizabeth, what is wrong with you? Why did you pick this house? The wallpaper. The tile countertops. The wallpaper.  The patterns. The wallpaper.” 🙂

But hear me out. This house is iconic. We’ve all seen Home Alone and could recognize the exterior anywhere. It’s a massive, gorgeous home. Though the inside may be behind in our modern day decor, it’s still a great home with many things to enjoy. Continue reading “Movie Set Monday- Home Alone”

Night Time Skincare Routine

I think I’ve finally found what works for my skin! 

I can hear the Hallelujah chorus.

Y’all remember this incredible choir at the royal wedding?

In all seriousness, it’s taken me a very long time to figure things out in the skincare department. I have extremely oily skin. So oily that I can do my makeup at 6:30 in the morning and by the time I get to school at 7:30, I’m already in need of blotting papers or powder. I’ve dealt with this from adolescence to now along with the occasional breakout. I had terrible acne as a teenager, but luckily, my parents recognized it and got me to a dermatologist ASAP. She said I’d grow out of it in my 20s. That was mostly true other than monthly hormonal breakouts. But it’s still oily and I have large pores that often result in blackheads. Continue reading “Night Time Skincare Routine”

Movie Set Monday- Father of the Bride

Father of the Bride and Father of the Bride Part II are some of the best movies. Maybe one of the best sequels out there. And of course, the incomparable Nancy Meyers had her hand in it, so we know the movie set is gorgeous. I’ve featured just a few (wink wink) of her films on the Movie Set Monday series. You can see them here.

This may be one of the most iconic house exteriors. It’s everyone’s dream home including the white picket fence.  Continue reading “Movie Set Monday- Father of the Bride”

Thursday Thoughts: Waiting

A few weeks ago I was in church, sitting with my parents, and my mom’s friend reached over and handed me a devotion book. I handed it to my mom thinking that it was for her. As it turns out, she was handing it to me. It’s a very small book with a one-page devotion per day. There’s a verse to go along with a story and then a section that is called “Deeper Walk” that gives a few more scriptures to read that go along with the story. Continue reading “Thursday Thoughts: Waiting”

Bathroom Makeover Reveal

She’s finally finished!

What started out as a weekend project ended up hitting the back-burner and taking quite a long time. But, y’all, it’s complete. And it’s pretty good!

It turned out exactly as I’d hoped, and I’m happy to show it to you now.

If you remember, we rent our apartment from my in-laws, and they have been so gracious to let me give the bathroom a little makeover. This project was very simple and only required painting the walls and vanity and hanging shelves and pictures.

Before we get to the reveal let’s remember how it looked when we moved in. Continue reading “Bathroom Makeover Reveal”