5 Good Things | No. 7

This weekend we visited my brother, Andrew, and his wife, Anna, at their home in Montgomery. They cooked for us and put us up for the night, and it was so nice to see them. I don’t think we’ve seen each other since before March. I’m also 3/4 of the way done with my tassel trim on the curtains I got for our living room. I ran out of the hem tape, so I’ll be making a run to the store soon. Maybe that’ll be a good thing for next week. I’ve got a few more than 5 good things this week. Let me know your thoughts on them if you find them to be good things, too.

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Chicken Salad Recipe

I found a random bottle of flavored mustard a while back at Walmart and bought it on a whim. I used it on turkey sandwiches and then saw someone on Instagram making chicken salad. She made hers with jalapenos. That got me thinking that I also had an interesting ingredient that I could use to make my own chicken salad.

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5 Good Things No. 6

Despite the photo above, we had quite a busy week in the Norman house. It’s been a while since things have been busy around here. For me, anyway. Paul hasn’t stopped working, so I guess I’m the only one who feels like it’s different. I got my hair done, went to Montgomery, and went in actual stores and interacted with sales associates. Several things that seem so normal that we haven’t been able to do in months, all done with a mask, of course, but I got to do them nonetheless. Looking forward to a new week full of more normal things.

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5 Good Things No. 5

What a week last week was! I did some major adulting on Wednesday and bought new tires for my car. Hurt my feelings a little when he told me how much they cost, but I feel much better knowing I’m safer on the road. We attended a birthday party Friday night for Paul’s brother and his wife. Finally, Paul ran a big golf tournament over the weekend. Needless to say, we are rather tired and this week is shaping up to be just as busy. I’ve got a list of 5+ things to share with you this week. Let’s get started.

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5 Good Things No. 4

What a week, friends. I typed out a witty caption earlier in the week to go with Jack’s picture. But it just doesn’t feel right anymore.
I am deeply saddened by the events that have taken place this week. I listened to a sermon on Sunday that referenced the fact that we take on average 16 breaths in a minute. George Floyd was deprived that for nearly 9 minutes. We must do better as a human race. I know we can. And we will. The negative will always make the headline news. But let’s try making news in our own communities by making changes that are for the good. It’s up to us. Start in your heart, educate yourself, teach your family, and spread it to the world.

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