5 Good Things No. 3

Today starts my first official week of summer! I’ve already got a list of projects I want to do, and I’ve started on one of them. Remember those Target curtains I talked about a few weeks ago? Well, I felt like they were missing something. I searched the ‘gram for some inspiration and found it in these curtains from Jewel Marlowe. Jewel has provided tons of inspiration for home decor because more is more when it comes to home decor for her, and she does it so well. Check out her home.

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5 Good Things No. 2

Monday again! However, this is sort of my last workday Monday. Woo Hoo! Today is my day to head to school and clean up my classroom and close out the school year. I’d say the 2019-2020 school year will go down as the strangest year I’ve had of my teaching career. I’m sure that goes for most of us teachers. We did get some good news in finding out that the Hamilton movie, which is just the Broadway stage production with the original cast filmed, will be coming to Disney+ on July 3rd! My theater nerd self is stoked! Who else is excited?

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5 Good Things

So the weather man said we’ll be in the 90s by the end of the week, and I’m not happy about it. I loved the cooler temperatures from the weekend. I spent most of Saturday outside on the deck under the umbrella with a new book. Can you believe I got Bernie smiling for the camera? I’m framing that photo. I also came across a few other things I wanted to share with you.

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