So Long, Summer

Hello! I have one more week of summer left. But since I started the last blog post with laments about school starting, I’ll leave that topic alone. I did just get back from a quick lake trip with some of my work friends, and we could not have ended the summer in a better way. We know the looming school year is coming with change and challenge, but I am so grateful to have such good friends that I can see on a daily basis.

I have a few more things to share with you before we wrap up summer break. Today I’ll share some things I’m using, reading, watching, eating, drinking, etc. Read on for the rest of my summer favorites.

Continue reading “So Long, Summer”

Life Lately | July 2021

Hello, friends. I haven’t shown up around these parts since April! I’ve been in full on summer mode since I knew it was going to be an extra short one. We were in school through the first week of June and we return August 2nd. I personally think going back after Labor Day is the way we should be doing things, but they don’t really ask teachers what they want. Needless to say, I’ll be reporting for duty in about two weeks. Womp womp.

But let’s not think about that! So let’s see, what has happened with the Normans? I became a semi-successful plant lady, I got my bangs back, I discovered the most incredible face sunscreen, Paul and I went on our first vacation in forever, I read a lot of books, I got a new side gig, and I’ve cooked some seriously great recipes. I’ll share some of that and more here today and follow up with even more later on.

Continue reading “Life Lately | July 2021”