Sharing the Love: Favorite YouTubers


I’ve been sharing the love this month and showcasing some of my favorite bloggers, Youtubers, and Instagramers. I’ve shared my favorite home bloggers, fashion bloggers, and today I’m sharing my favorite YouTubers.

I used to watch A LOT of YouTube, but I’ve backed off a bit. Truthfully, I’ve been cheating on it with Amazon Prime Video. But that’s for another post.

In no particular order, here are some of my favorite YouTube channels to watch.

The Holderness Family

Remember the Christmas Jammies song? Well, that’s the Holderness Family. They are always coming out with the funniest parodies. Just good, clean fun that’s okay for your kids to watch with you. Here’s two of my favorite parodies.

Boys Get A Blowout- I could not stop laughing. The guys laughing at each other was the best part.

Ultimate Thanksgiving Mashup- It’s just so silly, but so funny!

They have another YouTube channel which is The Holderness Family Vlogs. There’s moreĀ  great content on that channel too. I hope you give them a follow.

Laura in the Kitchen

Laura Vitale is one of my favorite discoveries on YouTube. She is an incredible cook that shares the best recipes. She has an Italian heritage, so she cooks a lot of Italian food. I’ve made several things from her YouTube channel, and her cookbook is awesome too! Here are a few of my favorite recipes I’ve made.

Croque Madame- So delicious! Seriously, make this!

Homemade Tuna Salad Sandwich- I never liked tuna salad until I tried this. It’s so yummy!

Go subscribe to her channel and immediately find 20 things to cook!

Cat and Nat

Okay, I’m not a mom, but these two women are so fun to watch. I always laugh so hard when I watch their videos. They don’t sugarcoat motherhood. They tell it like it is. The good, the bad, and the ugly. And they do it in the most hilarious way! #momtruth Fridays are the best!

What They Don’t Tell You About Childbirth- This one’s a little crude, but it’s hilarious. It also makes me want to put off having kids another five years or so. LOL

What We Really Mean When We Say…- So funny! And so true! All husbands/dads need to hear this!

The Hollywood Reporter

One of my favorite things about YouTube is that I can find all sorts of interviews with celebrities that I like. I stumbled across something called The Hollywood Reporter Roundtables one day and went down a rabbit hole for days. Each roundtable is an hour long discussion among the nominees of certain awards (Emmys, Oscars, Tonys, etc.). They get a little technical when it’s screenwriters talking, but I still am very interested in what they have to say and how a film comes together. Here’s a few that I’ve enjoyed.

THR Full Tonys Actors Roundtable

THR Full Oscar Actress Roundtable

I hope you’ve found a few YouTube channels to subscribe to. I know most of us don’t have that much time to just sit and watch videos on the internet, but if you ever find yourself with that time, check out these great channels.

Any other good channels I should be subscribed to? Let me know in the comments.

Author: Elizabeth Norman

I'm a home grown Alabamian who ventured away for a while, but now I'm back! Follow along with me on my journey living the Norman life.