I Shave My Face and Maybe You Should Too

Yep, you read that right. I shave my face.

I’ve done some research on the topic and have been seeing women do this since way back in the day when Caroline Manzo was on The Real Housewives of New Jersey. She shaves her face everyday. Like, lathers up and shaves her face every single day. I don’t do it like that, but I certainly ain’t knocking it! Because that’s the beauty of beauty.

As I got into my late 20s, I noticed I was having trouble with that stubborn upper lip hair. I was a little too scared to get it waxed, so I got one of those sandpaper things you use to buff the hair away.

I’m pretty sure I’d seen an infomercial for it. Anyway, the kit I got had small ones for the face and large ones for your legs and under your arms. I had some success with the small one, but I used them all up. Not too long ago I decided I’d try the large (made for your legs) sandpaper on my upper lip. Big mistake. Huge. I took the hair off, along with what felt like the entire epidermis on that part of my face. It was so red and sensitive and even scabbed a little. Thankfully it did take my hair off and bought me so time. Well, it came back, so I decided I’d try a different approach. Still not wanting to go the wax route, I went on the hunt for a face razor for women.

I found one at Walmart that is battery powered, so it’s not like a traditional razor. It’s by the brand, Clio. I found it super easy to assemble and use. After turning it on (just one switch), you make short strokes on the areas of your face you hope to remove hair. I liked the results from my upper lip so much that I shaved my whole face. All of us women have peach fuzz pretty much all over our faces, and I thought, what could it hurt to get rid of it?

Holy Smoothness! My skin feels amazing.

My makeup even goes on better. The application of my foundation is easier and more even.

My skin wasn’t irritated like I knew it would be with wax or like it was with the sandpaper stuff.

The best part is that it was $9.00! And my only concern is what I’ll do when the blade goes dull. I suppose $9.00 isn’t really a bad deal when we’re talking hair removal. I’ll probably just buy another one.

I wanted to walk you through the process of shaving in case you’re a first timer.

  1. Wash your face. I followed my night time skincare routine minus the Countermatch Adaptive Moisture Lotion.
  2. Turn on the razor and start shaving. I found it best to shave against the growth of the hair just like when you’re shaving your legs. I shaved all over my face being careful not to get too close to my eyebrows or hairline. There is a guard for the razor to use on your eyebrows, but I’m not sure I’m quite game for that yet!
  3. Moisturize. I only used my regular moisturizer, but if your skin is a bit more sensitive, try rubbing some coconut oil on for a natural, soothing effect.

That’s it! The last step would be to touch your face and feel how soft your skin is. Trust me, it’ll feel fantastic.


Now, I’ve got to know…..who else is doing this? Who shaves their face? Tell me in the comments. Do you use better razors I need to know about? Do you have a tried and true regimen or number of times per month or week you shave your face? Give me all the details!

Author: Elizabeth Norman

I'm a home grown Alabamian who ventured away for a while, but now I'm back! Follow along with me on my journey living the Norman life.