Currently Loving- July 2018

Happy August 1st!

I’m back to school today. ๐Ÿ™ Sad that my summer break is over but happy to be sharing my favorite things from July. One of which was my anniversary yesterday. Happy 8 years to us! You can read all about our wedding here.

Okay, let’s get to it.

Southern Charm

Last summer I binged every episode of this show. It was probably in one of my Currently Loving posts then… It was; I checked.ย The latest season just ended, and I’m so sad. Southern Charm is a reality show on Bravo following several people in Charleston, SC. There was no shortage of drama this season, and it was fun! Crazy but fun. There was so much drama with Ashley dating Thomas and Kathryn being his ex and mother of their two children…oh boy. See where there could be a lot of drama?

I’m pretty sure you can find all episodes on Bravo on Demand. That’s where I watched them last summer.

The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt

Tina Fey’s show starring some of the funniest people in the business quickly became one of my new favorites when I started it on a whim one afternoon. I haven’t laughed that much at a show in a long time. It’s silly with tons of quirkiness, but it’s got heart. The episodes are only 30 minutes long, and I couldn’t believe how quickly I got through the series.

Old Navy Rock Star Jeans


Y’all. I have never worn a more comfortable pair of jeans in my life! They are just the right amount of stretch and don’t fall down. I took them in the dressing room on a wish and a prayer that they would work. (Old Navy jeans have never been great for me.) I almost wore them out of the store. The distressing is perfect, and the raw hem at the bottom is a great, trendy touch. I can’t wait to get more colors and the traditional denim blue.



Summer always allows more time for reading. I usually get through more books than the two I finished this summer, but they were great and it felt good to get out of my reading slump. First up was The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid. It started with lots of fun and was juicy with Hollywood drama. It did take bit of a serious turn, as can happen with seven husbands, but it was still a very entertaining read.


Second was a book by Emily Giffin I’ve been trying to read for a year. I would often download it from the library app but never could finish it because I have a problem where I pick up my phone and think it’s only for texting and social media. It doesn’t compute that I could actual close the Instagram app and read a book. Anyone else?

I decided to go to the actual library to borrow the tangible book, and it turns out that I finished it! It’s call First Comes Love and is about two sisters and their relationship. Emily Giffin is one of my favorite authors, so it was a no brainer that I’d like it. When I checked out First Comes Love I was actually going in to get her newest book, All I Ever Wanted, but I kid you not, there was a woman walking to the desk carrying the only copy as I was making my way to the bookshelf. I’m hoping it’s there the next time I go!

Black and white abstracts

I grew tired of so much blue in the dining corner of our main living area, so I decided to get out the paint brushes and change (yet again) the canvas I’d painted blue less than a year ago. I decided to go with black and white abstract paintings, and I’ve really been enjoying them. You can read the post here.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Face Brush

I recently shared my night time skincare routine. It included some fairly new additions to what I was already doing each night. One being a hand-held brush I found on clearance at Walmart and the other being apple cider vinegar. You can read all about it here. I’m still loving this routine and loving how my skin is doing.

Essie Nail Polish Couture Gel

I think last summer was the summer of the pink nail for me. I lived in Zoya Eden. I still love it and have worn it on my toes all summer until last week actually. But I’ve been seeing this white, palest of pale pink nail polish on lots of people and loving it. Zoya wasn’t available at Ulta when I went in, and I had heard good things about Essie Gel Couture in the color Pre-Show Jitters. I decided to try it for myself, and I can’t believe how good it is! This gel topcoat legit lasts two weeks! I do take precaution when I’m doing dishes by wearing gloves, and I’ll get Paul to help with a necklace clasp I can’t get. Doing little things like that helps keep the polish in tact. I’ve never been able to go that long between manicures (at home manicures-I don’t get my nails done professionally.) I can usually go a week and then they’re done and I redo them over the weekend. Not with this stuff. It’s great!

Annie at ASF

Every summer I third wheel with my parents to see whatever musical is being performed at the Alabama Shakespeare Festival. Sadly, my dad had to work this year, but mom and I were still able to make a day of it. If you’ve never visited this theater, I highly recommend it. It’s very charming and the grounds are spectacular. I’ve been on many a field trip having grown up here, and y’all the wallpaper is still the same in the bathrooms. If you know, you know. ๐Ÿ™‚

This year the show is Annie, and it still has performances through the 5th. If you haven’t taken the opportunity to go, please just do it. Here’s a link to tickets. The talent on the stage is phenomenal. The lead actress sang the first few notes of “Maybe” at the beginning of the show, and I turned to look at my mom and said, “Oh, this is going to be good.” And it was so much better than good. Go see it!

I hope you’ve all had a fabulous July and are looking forward to August. I can tell you I’m looking forward to some cooler temps! Bring on fall! I’m not sure that I’m ready for school, but it’s here, ready or not. What were some of your favorites from July? Leave me a comment about it.


Author: Elizabeth Norman

I'm a home grown Alabamian who ventured away for a while, but now I'm back! Follow along with me on my journey living the Norman life.