3 Things that Helped Me Survive the First Week of School

Yes, that’s right. School is officially in full swing. Excuse me while I go cry and mourn the end of summer.

And I had the flu, so that was fun. It seriously threw in some serious chinks to my chain, and I was not at all prepared like I had hoped to be for going back to school.

Normally I would have gone to the grocery store and meal prepped and had things ready for lunches and dinners, but

I had nothing because I was sick. And if you’ve ever had the flu then you know how badly it drains you.


I had three things that helped me tremendously.

Planning Outfits

Yes, even with the flu, I went through and picked out five outfits that would make getting ready in the morning a snap. I knew I’d need some extra sleep time because the transition from summer to school and early wake-ups would be hard, and I couldn’t be standing in front of my closet wondering what I was going to wear. Not to mention how bad I felt with being sick.

Walmart Grocery Pickup

I finally gave it a try, and there was no better time than the first week of school to do it. I ordered from my phone, and Monday after school, I picked up my groceries and headed home. It’s amazing, and I only messed up one thing, but it was my error and not theirs, so I say it was a giant win. I loved, loved, loved it! I will do it again.

Protein Bars

Maybe it’s because I didn’t have too much of an appetite with the flu, but I was so thankful for these protein bars. And I swear they are actually good. My favorite is the brownie one, but the cookie dough legit tastes like cookie dough. It’s incredible how good these are. Get them at Costco. I ate them at 11:00 and was full until about 5:30. Huge win! I think one of these will always be in my purse.

I know some of you are starting your first full week soon, so I hope these tips that helped me survive offer a bit of help to you. Good luck, teachers and students! Here’s to a great year!

Author: Elizabeth Norman

I'm a home grown Alabamian who ventured away for a while, but now I'm back! Follow along with me on my journey living the Norman life.